Dell Latitude ST T02G Tablet PC Electrostatic Pen / Stylus Guide DS09A9 2E. Latitude ST uses a specifically designed electrostatic pen or stylus for use in tablet PC mode. The pen can function at the default calibration or at a calibration set by you or by another user. It is recommended that you use the pen only while it is calibrated to your personal calibration settings. Calibration optimizes pen performance for each user.

2-Eraser Pen Button
3-Right-click Pen Button
4-Pen Tip
5-Removable Cap To Replace The Battery (Uses 1 x AAAA Battery, Not Included!)
The pen can function at the default calibration or at a calibration set by you or by another user. It is recommended that you use the pen only while it is calibrated to your personal calibration settings. Calibration optimizes pen performance for each user.
To calibrate the pen:
1. Open Control Panel
2. Double click Tablet PC Settings
3. On the Tablet PC Settings window, click Calibrate
4. On the Calibrate pen or touch input screens, select Pen input
5. Follow the instructions on the screen. The calibration markers are displayed on the screen as big plus sign (+). Tap the pen in the exact centre of each of the calibration markers.